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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust



'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 5)); // Add the GoObserving Javascript (CSS Added using the nsogoobs module code) drupal_add_js('goobs/js/goobhd.js'); // Process the _POST and _GET variables (merge them together) $allCGI = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); // Make sure that the "usr" parameters are all set OK and no permissions are being bypassed global $user; $calluser = user_load($user->uid); nsogoobs_checkUser($calluser, $allCGI); // Add any options to append to AstroLab links. $astrolab_opts = nsogoobs_astrolabOpts(); if(strlen($astrolab_opts) > 0) { $albopt = array("alb" => $astrolab_opts); $_a = array_merge($allCGI,$albopt); $allCGI = $_a; } nsogoobs_fireCGI('arch.cgi', $allCGI); ?>