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in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust



Gravity is the force we are most familiar with in everyday life. It has been studied for longer than the other forces of nature. However, it is also the least well understood.

Law of Universal Gravitation

Newton had correctly explained that every object in the Universe has a force which can be felt by every other object as a ‘pull’. We call it an ‘attractive’ force because it attracts objects towards each other.

The strength of this force is linked to the mass of the object. The more massive the object, the stronger the force. Newton also found that the force is linked to the distance between the objects. The further the distance, the weaker the force.

Karl Schwarzschild

Karl Schwarzchild

Occupation: Physicist & Astronomer

Year born: 1873

Research Areas: Relativity, Black Holes, Quantum Theory, Stars, Comets


"Mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, march in one front."

Rockets Quiz

Rockets are used to send astronauts, spacecraft, or equipment to space. They are a vital part of space exploration and research. But how much do you know about how rockets work?